■ ID 380
■ 種類 学会発表
■ タイトル Identification of Lily (Lilium spp.) Cultivars by Starch-gel Electrophoresis of Isozymes
■ 著者 Amaury-M. Arzate-Fernandez    埼玉県環境科学国際センター
Cesar-O. Mejia-Gonzalez    メキシコ州立大学農学部
Takatoshi Tanisaka    京都大学農学部
■ 出版元
■ 出版年 2002
■ 誌名・巻・号・年 8th Coloquio de Investigacion Cientifica, UAEM, Mexico, November 7th, 2002
■ 抄録・要旨 Leaf isozyme banding patterns were studied in cultivars of lily (Lilium spp.) by means of horizontal starch-gelelectrophoresis (SGE). Crude protein of sample extracts and an array of continuous histidine-citrate buffer system at eight ranges of pH and four extraction buffer were tested. Eight out of 25 enzyme systems presented clear and repeatable bands on starch gels. Using SGE technique, isozyme banding patterns in catalase, esterase, malate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, peroxidase, phosphoglucomutase, phosphoglucose isomerase, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase are demonstrated for the first time for a total of 29 lily cultivars. In our study, 9 of out 29 cultivars were analyzed for all 8 enzyme systems, 16 cultivars for 7 systems, 3 for 6, and 1 for 5 enzyme systems. Some stained isozyme banding patterns were identified as section-specific biochemical markers. This study shows that isozymes can provide useful biochemical markers for lily cultivar identification and parental analysis.
■ キーワード

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